A Ministry to People Restarting Life
Starting Over Can Be a Difficult Road. Its Easier if you Follow the Path.
Starting Over Can Be a Difficult Road. Its Easier if you Follow the Path.
Welcome to Levi's House, a ministry to people restarting life. The purpose of this ministry is to walk with the broken and discarded of society as they grow in their identity as sons and daughters of the King. We focus on equipping people to find employment, especially for ex-offenders following release from incarceration. This ministry is located in Colorado Springs and works in the Colorado Springs area.
Levi's House is a ministry to the broken and discarded of society—the ex-con, the former drug user, the poor, the lost, those who are broken in spirit. Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28) His offer still stands today—not because your earned it or deserve it, but because He loves you and came to earth to seek you out, like the Good Shepherd caring for His sheep.
The goals of Levi's House are two-fold:
1. Helping the broken to grow into their identity in Christ, so they
can take their rightful place as "priests unto the Lord"
2. Helping them to find meaningful employment.
To this end, Levi's House helps equip job seekers with an understanding of what is needed to get and keep a job, and how to create a life plan and live it out.
Outside of these specific areas, Levi’s House refers ex-offenders to other ministry partners for assistance with needs such as with housing, emergency items (food, clothing, etc.), and addiction recovery services.
Levi's House does not give out money, bus passes, or other things of monetary value. It is not a residential facility.
I thought I was living the good life. I had an important and influential position as the Chief of Staff to a powerful member of the U.S. Congress, a perfect family of three kids and a wife, a good income, and the respect of my peers.
Then, through my own actions—actions taken in rebellion to the warnings of the Lord—I set into motion events which would end my life as I knew it. I became entangled in a large political scandal in Washington DC and pled guilty to honest services fraud. After an excruciatingly long three-year wait to be sentenced, I spent four months in a halfway house in Colorado Springs. At the end of that time, I was ruined financially and professionally, my wife divorced me, and I was labeled a felon. From a worldly perspective, my life was over.
But these events also brought something that could not be calculated or anticipated. In the place of worldly respect, I gained a relationship with the Lord based on His love for me, not my performance. In place of a successful worldly career, God gave me connection and understanding to work with the broken and discarded of society and the ability to relate with their pain and suffering. God’s plans are not man’s plans, and God’s ways of evaluating life are not man’s ways of evaluating life. In the midst of the instability and uncertainty of the future, I discovered God’s enjoyment of me and the deeper pleasure of intimacy with our loving Father. I became a son of God, not by my resume, but because of His desire for relationship with us.
My desire now is to share the good news of God’s unconditional love and delight in us with others who are broken and to walk with them toward the freedom and liberation that growing in our identity in Christ brings.
Your Brother in Christ,
John Albaugh
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